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作者: 来源: 2023-02-04













[1]. 国家重点研发计划子课题,场地未定标特征污染物对土壤动植物的生态毒性效应及生物标志物,2023-202665主持

[2]. 国家自然科学基金面上项目土壤中抗生素及其抗性基因的蚓触圈耦合消减作用与机制(42177034),2022-202556万,主持

[3]. 国家自然科学青年基金项目土壤-蚯蚓系统中有机氟杀虫剂氟虫胺的生物消减效应与机理研究(41601342),2017-201920万,主持

[4]. 国家重点研发计划课题,农业主产区有毒有害化学/生物污染物的农田污染特征与源解析(2016YFD08002012016-2020366骨干,主要执行人

[5]. 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项,蚯蚓对土壤中抗生素及其抗性基因植物吸收的影响,20228万元,主持

[6]. 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项,蚯蚓对土壤中金霉素和抗性基因变化的影响研究,20208万元,主持

[7]. 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项,设施菜地土壤酞酸酯污染特征与源解析,201910万元,主持

[8]. 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项,土壤中氟虫胺在小麦和蚯蚓体内的富集和降解,201710万元,主持

[9]. 公益性行业(农业)科研专项,有机化学品污染农田生物协同强化修复技术研发与应用(201503107-7),2015-2019140万,骨干,主要执行人

[10]. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助,全氟化合物前体在土壤-动植物系统中的富集和降解行为(2014M561176),2014-20155万元,主持

[11]. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,典型全氟化合物在沉积物中的分配行为与微观机制(21077060),2011-201338万元,参与,主要执行人


[1]. Lixia Zhao#, Zheng Pan#, Baoli Sun, Yang Sun, Liping Weng, Xiaojing Li, Huike Ye, Jianzhi Ye, Xiaowei Pan, Bin Zhou, Yongtao Li*. Responses of soil microbial communities to concentration gradients of antibiotic residues in typical greenhouse vegetable soils, Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 855: 158587

[2]. Bin Zhou, Lixia Zhao*, Yang Sun, Xiaojing Li, Liping Weng, Yong Xue, Yongtao Li*. Effects of phthalate esters on soil microbial community under different planting patterns in Northern China: Case study of Hebei Province, Chemosphere, 2022, 307: 135882

[3]. Side Yang, Lixia Zhao*, Xingping Chang, Zheng Pan, Bin Zhou, Yang Sun, Xiaojing Li, Liping Weng, Yongtao Li*. Removal of chlortetracycline and antibiotic resistance genes in soil by earthworms (epigeic Eisenia fetida and endogeic Metaphire guillelmi), Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 781: 146679

[4]. Bin Zhou, Lixia Zhao*, Yang Sun, Xiaojing Li, Liping Weng, Yongtao Li*. Contamination and human health risks of phthalate esters in vegetable and crop soils from the Huang-Huai-Hai region of China, Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 778: 146281

[5]. Zheng Pan, Side Yang, Lixia Zhao*, Xiaojing Li, Liping Weng, Yang Sun, Yongtao Li*. Temporal and Spatial Variability of Antibiotics in Agricultural Soils from Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, Northern China. Chemosphere, 2021, 272: 129803.

[6]. Bin Zhou; Lixia Zhao*; Yuebo Wang; Yang Sun; Xiaojing Li; Huijuan Xu; Liping Weng; Zheng Pan; Side Yang; Xingping Chang; Yongtao Li*; Spatial distribution of phthalate esters and the associated response of enzyme activities and microbial community composition in typical plasticshed vegetable soils in China, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2020, 195: 110495.

[7]. Yang Sun1, Lixia Zhao1, Xiaojing Li, Yueqi Hao, Huijuan Xu, Liping Weng, Yongtao Li*, Stimulation of earthworms (Eisenia fetida) on soil microbial communities to promote metolachlor degradation. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 248: 219-228.

[8]. Yueqi Hao, Lixia Zhao*, Yang Sun, Xiaojing Li, Liping Weng, Huijuan Xu, Yongtao Li*, Enhancement effect of earthworm (Eisenia fetida) on acetochlor biodegradation in soil and possible mechanisms. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 242: 728-737.

[9]. Lixia Zhao, Yifeng Zhang, Lingyan Zhu*, Xinxin Ma, Yi Wang, Hongwen Sun, Yi Luo, Isomer-Specific Transplacental Efficiencies of Perfluoroalkyl Substances in Human Whole Blood. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2017, 4: 391-398.

[10]. Lixia Zhao, Lingyan Zhu*, Shuyan Zhao, Xinxin Ma, Sequestration and Bioavailability of Perfluoroalkyl Acids (PFAAs) in Soils: Implications for Their Underestimated Risk, Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 572: 169-176.

[11]. Lixia Zhao, Jingna Bian, Yahui Zhang, Lingyan Zhu*, Zhengtao Liu. Comparison of the Sorption Behaviors and Mechanisms of Perfluorosulfonates and Perfluorocarboxylic Acids on Three Kinds of Clay Minerals. Chemosphere 2014, 114C: 51-58.

[12]. Lixia Zhao, Yifeng Zhang, Shuhong Fang, Lingyan Zhu*, Zhengtao Liu. Comparative Sorption and Desorption Behaviors of PFHxS and PFOS on Sequentially Extracted Humic Substances. Journal of Environmental Science 2014, 26 (12): 2517-2525.

[13]. Lixia Zhao, Lingyan Zhu*, Liping Yang, Zhengtao Liu. Distribution and desorption of perfluorinated compounds in fractionated sediments. Chemosphere 2012, 88(11): 1390-1397.

[14]. Qiang Pu, Lixia Zhao, Yongtao Li, Jianqiang Su*, Manure fertilization increase antibiotic resistance in soils from typical greenhouse vegetable production bases, China. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 391: 122267.

[15]. Yang Sun, Lixia Zhao, Xiaojing Li, Huijuan Xu, Liping Weng, Lijuan Yang*, Yongtao Li*, Response of soil bacterial and fungal community structure succession to earthworm addition for bioremediation of metolachlor. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 189: 109926.

[16]. Xiaolei Wang, Pengyu Chen, Lixia Zhao, Lingyan Zhu*, Fengchang Wu. Transplacental Behaviors of Organophosphate Tri- and Diesters Based on Paired Human Maternal and Cord Whole Blood: Efficiencies and Impact Factors. Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 55: 3091-3100.

[17]. Xingping Chang, Yang Sun*, Lixia Zhao, Xiaojing Li, Side Yang, Liping Weng, Yongtao Li. Exposure to fomesafen alters the gut microbiota and the physiology of the earthworm Pheretima guillelmi. Chemosphere, 2021, 284: 131290.

[18]. Yang Sun, Xingping Chang, Lixia Zhao, Bin Zhou, Liping Weng, Yongtao Li*. Comparative study on the pollution status of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and bacterial community diversity and structure between plastic shed and open-field soils from northern China. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 741: 139620.

[19]. Xiaojing Li, Yue Li, Lixia Zhao, Yang Sun, Xiaolin Zhang, Xiaodong Chen, Liping Weng and Yongtao Li*, Efficient Removal of Butachlor and Change in Microbial Community Structure in Single-Chamber Microbial Fuel Cells. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16: 3897

[20]. HuijuanXu, Jing Bai, Wenyan Li, Lixia Zhao, Yongtao Li*, Removal of persistent DDT residues from soils by earthworms: a mechanistic study. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 365: 622-631.

[21]. Xingping Chang, Junfeng Liang, Yang Sun*, Lixia Zhao, Bin Zhou, Xiaojing Li, Yongtao Li. Isolation, Degradation Performance and Field Application of the Metolachlor-Degrading Fungus Penicillium oxalicum MET-F-1. Applied Sciences, 2020, 10: 8556

[22]. Xiaojing Li*, Xiaolin Zhang, Xiaodong Chen, Lixia Zhao, Yang Sun, Iranzi Emile Rushimisha, Yongtao Li*, Effect of introduced-electrode on phenanthrene degradation in the soil microbial electrochemical remediation. International Journal of Energy Research, 2021, 45(3): 4681-4693.

[23]. Xiaolin Zhang, Xiaojing Li*, Xiaodong Chen, Yang Sun, Lixia Zhao, Ting Han, Tian Li, Liping Weng, Yongtao Li*, A nitrogen supplement to regulate the degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in soil microbial electrochemical remediation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 426: 131202

[24]. Ting Han, Kai Wang, Iranzi Emile Rushimisha, Huike Ye, Yang Sun, Lixia Zhao, Liping Weng, Yongtao Li, Xiaojing Li*, Influence of biocurrent self-generated by indigenous microorganisms on soil quality. Chemosphere, 2022, 307: 135864

[25]. 杨思德,常兴平,潘政,李明堂,翁莉萍,李永涛,赵丽霞*. 蚯蚓对金霉素污染土壤酶活性和微生物群落的影响农业环境科学学报, 202140 (6)1268-1280

[26]. 潘政, 郝月崎, 赵丽霞*, 孙扬, 李晓晶, 杨思德, 翁莉萍, 李永涛. 蚯蚓在有机污染土壤生物修复中的作用机理与应用, 生态学杂志,202039 (9)3108-3117

[27]. 郝月崎,孙扬,李晓晶,周斌,翁莉萍,李永涛,赵丽霞*. 赤子爱胜蚓对乙草胺污染土壤微生物群落的影响,农业环境科学学报,201837 (11) 2456-2466

[28]. 孙扬,徐会娟,李晓晶,李永涛,赵丽霞*. 二氯喹啉酸对农田生态系统的影响及其微生物降解研究进展. 浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版)2017436):727733

[29]. 魏明翠,钟文珏,赵丽霞,祝凌燕*. 南方某氟化学工业园周围环境中全氟化合物的分布研究. 环境科学学报, 2013 (7)1989-1995

[30]. 张义峰,赵丽霞(共同第一作者),单国强,祝凌燕*. 全氟化合物同分异构体的环境行为及毒性效应研究进展. 生态毒理学报2012 (5)464-476

[31]. 王晓辉*赵丽霞姜丹. 污染物毒性检测的微生物传感器研究进展. 河北工业科技2009 (5)33-37

[32]. 王晓辉*杜利平赵丽霞. 有机磷农药生物降解研究进展. 河北工业科技2008 (11)405-409


[1]. 李保国,李永涛,任图生,王朝辉,徐建明主译. 土壤采样与分析方法. 北京:电子工业出版社,2022.3 (参译:第5-9章)

[2]. 何艳, 徐建明等著. 土壤有机/生物污染与防控. 北京:科学出版社. ISBN978-7-03-067141-7. 2020.12. (参编:第2章)

[3]. 蔡燕飞,李永涛,翁莉萍,李晓晶,赵丽霞. 芽孢杆菌生物肥及其研究方法,中国农业出版社. ISBN: 978-7-109-22639-5. 2017.3

[4]. 中国农业科学院主持翻译. 农业与健康创新的知识产权管理:最佳实践手册/(美)阿纳托尔 克拉蒂格等编. 北京:知识产权出版社. ISBN:9787513081108. 2022.8 (参译:第七部分


[1]. 孙扬,李永涛,赵丽霞,郝月崎,徐会娟,李晓晶,周斌. 国家发明专利降解异丙甲草胺的草酸青霉及其应用,授权号ZL201810762390.4,授权日 2019.10.29


[1]. 赵丽霞李永涛,孙扬,蔡鹏,杨行健,孙宝利,姜昭,刘绍文.《典型大田作物和设施蔬菜土壤有机/生物污染因子监测与评估指标体系》(T/TJSES 001-2021. 天津市环境科学学会团体标准. 20216月发布.