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作者: 来源: 2023-02-04











2016年博士毕业于中国地质大学(北京),同年在华南农业大学从事博士后研究工作,2018年进入爱淘彩彩票客户端工作,2020年晋升为副研究员。主要从事纳米颗粒/胶体界面过程和污染物迁移机理研究。主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划子课题、天津市自然科学基金和中国博士后科学基金等项目。在Environmental Science & TechnologyJournal of Hazardous MaterialsEnvironmental Pollution、环境科学等国内外期刊发表论文60余篇,其中第一或通讯作者论文30余篇。




1. 国家重点研发计划子课题:基于土壤-作物系统氮素循环高效利用的模型构建与应用(2021YFD1700904-06),2021-2025170万;

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:土壤中腐殖酸-水铁矿复合胶体促进砷迁移的微界面机制(41701262),2018-202026万;

3. 天津市自然科学基金青年项目:纳米塑料在土壤中迁移/沉积与其农作物毒性效应的空间依存机制(19JCQNJC08500),2019-2022年,6万;

4. 中国博士后科学基金(一等):石灰施用对腐殖质-水铁矿胶体促进砷迁移的影响机制(2017M610532),2017-20188万;

5. 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项:生物质炭对水铁矿胶体-砷共迁移/沉积的微界面影响机制,2019年,10万;

6. 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项:有机肥矿化对纳米塑料在农田土壤中迁移/沉积的微界面影响机制2020年,8万;

7. 横向项目:天农项目2020年上半年修复前后土壤恶臭物质和生物毒性试验分析与报告编制,2020-2023年,35


1. Ma Jie, Qiu Yan, Zhao Junying, Ouyang Xiaoxue, Zhao Yujie, Weng Liping*, Yasir A. M., Chen Yali, Li Yongtao, Effect of agricultural organic inputs on nanoplastics transport in saturated goethite-coated porous media: particle size selectivity and role of dissolved organic matter. Environmental Science & Technology 2022, 56, (6): 3524-3534. (Nature Index, IF2021=11.357)

2. Ouyang Xiaoxue, Ma Jie*, Zhang Ran, Li Pan, Gao Man, Sun Chuangqiang, Weng Liping*, Chen Yali, Yan Sun, Li Yongtao, Uptake of atmospherically deposited cadmium by leaves of vegetables: Subcellular localization by NanoSIMS and potential risks. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2022, 431: 128624. (IF2021=14.224)

3. Liu Yong, Ma Jie*, Gao Jiaoli, Chen Xinyi, Ouyang Xiaoxue, Weng Liping*, Li Haiming, Chen Yali, Li Yongtao, Stability and interaction of biochar and iron mineral nanoparticles: effect of pH, ionic strength, and dissolved organic matter. Biochar 2022, 4, (1). (IF2021=11.452)

4. Liu Yong#, Wang Long#, Liu Chang, Ma Jie*, Ouyang Xiaoxue, Weng Liping, Chen Yali, Li Yongtao, Enhanced cadmium removal by biochar and iron oxides composite: Material interactions and pore structure. Journal of Environmental Management 2023, 330: 117136. (IF2021=8.910)

5. Chen Yali, Huang Lei, Zhang Ran, Ma Jie*, Guo Zhiying, Zhao Junying, Weng Liping, Li Yongtao, Retardation factors in controlling the transport of inorganic, organic, and particulate phosphorus in fluvo-aquic soil. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2023, 249: 114402. (IF2021=7.129)

6. Yasir A. M.#, Ma Jie#*, Ouyang Xiaoxue, Zhao Junying, Zhao Yujie, Weng Liping*, Islam M. S., Chen Yali, Li Yongtao, Effects of selected functional groups on nanoplastics transport in saturated media under diethylhexyl phthalate co-contamination conditions. Chemosphere 2022, 286: 131965. (IF2021=8.943)

7. Ma Jie, Ma Yuling, Wei Rongfei, Chen Yali, Weng Liping*, Ouyang Xiaoxue, Li Yongtao, Phosphorus transport in different soil types and the contribution of control factors to phosphorus retardation. Chemosphere 2021, 276: 130012. (IF2020=7.086)

8. Qian Xiaoyan, Ma Jie*, Weng Liping*, Chen Yali, Ren Zongling, Li Yongtao, Influence of agricultural organic inputs and their aging on the transport of ferrihydrite nanoparticles: From enhancement to inhibition. Science of the Total Environment 2020, 719: 137440. (IF2019=6.551)

9. Chen Yali, Ma Jie*, Li Yongtao, Weng Liping*, Enhanced cadmium immobilization in saturated media by gradual stabilization of goethite in the presence of humic acid with increasing pH. Science of the Total Environment 2019, 648: 358-366. (IF2018=5.589)

10. Ma Jie, Lei Mei, Weng Liping, Li Yongtao, Chen Yali, Islam M. S., Zhao Junying, Chen Tongbin, Fractions and colloidal distribution of arsenic associated with iron oxide minerals in lead-zinc mine-contaminated soils: Comparison of tailings and smelter pollution. Chemosphere 2019, 227: 614-623. (IF2018=5.108)

11. Ma Jie, Guo Huaming*, Lei Mei, Li Yongtao, Weng Liping, Chen Yali, Ma Yuling, Deng Yingxuan, Feng Xiaojuan, Xiu Wei, Enhanced transport of ferrihydrite colloid by chain-shaped humic acid colloid in saturated porous media. Science of The Total Environment 2018, 621: 1581-1590. (IF2017=4.900)

12. Ma Jie, Guo Huaming*, Weng Liping, Li Yongtao, Lei Mei, Chen Yali, Distinct effect of humic acid on ferrihydrite colloid-facilitated transport of arsenic in saturated media at different pH. Chemosphere 2018, 212: 794-801. (IF2017=4.427)

13. Ma Jie#, Lei En#, Lei Mei*, Liu Yanhong, Chen Tongbin, Remediation of arsenic contaminated soil using malposed intercropping of Pteris vittata L. and maize. Chemosphere 2018, 194: 737-744. (IF2017=4.427)

14. Ma Jie, Guo Huaming*, Lei Mei, Wan Xiaoming, Zhang Hanzhi, Feng Xiaojuan, Wei Rongfei, Tian Liyan, Han Xiaokun, Blocking effect of colloids on arsenate adsorption during co-transport through saturated sand columns. Environmental Pollution 2016, 213: 638-647. (IF2015=4.839)