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  王瑞刚,副研究员,现任现代农业产业技术体系“国家食用豆产业技术体系”生态与土壤管理岗位科学家,国家“万人计划”青年拔尖人才、天津市“131” 创新型人才培养工程第一层次人选,中国农业科学院农田重金属污染修复创新团队骨干。

  2007 年 6 月 毕业于北京林业大学,获博士学位  并获得“首届北京市优秀博士论文奖”。


  2007 年 7 月-2007 年 12 月任研究实习员;

  2008 年 1 月-2010 年 12 月任助理研究员;

  2011 年 1 月-2013 年 12 月任副研究员;

  2014 年 1 月-至今任所聘研究员。






  [1] 主持项目 10 余项,其中包括国家重点研发任务课题(1 项)、国家自然科学基金(3 项)、现代农业产业技术体系岗位专家项目 1 项、农财两部重金属修复专项 1 项、天津市自然科学基金(1 项),参加国家自然科学基金、863、农业部行业专项、948 等项目 10余项。在国际知名杂志 Plant Physiology, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Plant Molecular Biology , Tree Physiology发表论文 50 余篇,SCI 收录 30 余篇;并在中国环境科学出版社出版 15 万字的专著一部。作为第一完成人获授权专利 3项,其中发明专利 2 项。获天津市科技进步二等奖 1 项。


  [3] 发明专利“NaHS作为阻控水稻累积镉的叶面调理剂的应用”和 “一种阻控小白菜重金属砷锌累积的土壤改良剂”已在广西、湖南、浙江、天津进行大面积推广,面积超过2000亩,并形成“稻田Cd污染IVI修复技术规范”,正在申报广西地方标准。



  [1] 国家重点研发计划课题“重金属低积累小麦和玉米品种与超富集植物间套作修复技术研发”(2017YFD0822904), 2017.7-2020.12,271 万元。

  [2] 国家食用豆产业技术体系(生态与土壤管理)岗位科学家专项经费,CARS08-G09,2017.7-2020.12,280 万元

  [3] 国家自然科学基金应急管理项目“二氧化碳升高,干旱,镉污染联合影响水稻生长、生理生化和镉富集的机制研究(41541026)”, 2016-2016,21.42 万元;

  [4]国家自然科学基金面上项目“二氧化碳联合伯克氏菌诱导杨树和东南景天富集镉的机理研究(41373128)”, 2014-2017, 80 万元;  

  [5] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“二氧化碳诱导杨树富集镉的机理研究(40803039)”, 2009-2011,20 万元;

  [6] 天津市自然科学基金-面上项目“二氧化碳诱导杨树吸收、转运和解毒镉的机制研究(12JCYBJC14900)”, 2012-2015,10 万元;

  [7] 国家林业局行业专项课题“柳树能源林及环境修复兼用型新品种选育(课题)(201204812)” ,2012-2015,20 万元;

  [8] 农业部重金属污染治理专项“刁江流域重金属污染农田修复示范(都安县) ”,2012-2016,198 万元;

  [9] 中央科研院所基本科研业务费“硫化氢控制水稻吸收累积镉的机理研究”,2014,10 万元;

  [10] “官厅水库湿地生态防护带中试与示范样板建设项目”2010-2014,15 万元;

  [11]“二氧化碳施肥对植物生长促进技术的优化策略”, 2014-2016,10 万元。



  [12] 国家自然科学基金面上项目“根际植物促生菌诱导番茄系统抗性调控镉吸收转运机理研究(41473115)”, 2015-2018,95 万元(第一参加人)

  [13] 863 计划“城郊障碍农田地力提升与修复技术(子课题)(2012AA1014045) ”, 2012-2016,100 万元,(第一参加人)

  [14] 国家自然科学基金面上项目“CO2 浓度升高影响铜、镉复合污染条件下水稻蓄积重金属的机理研究(41071217)”, 2010-2013,40 万元(第三参加人)

  [15] 农业部 948 项目“中-加农业温室气体排放与农产品安全研究实验协作平台构建与功能物种筛选方法引进”, 2011-2012,40 万元,(第二参加人)

  [16] 国家自然科学基金-青年基金“联合固氮伯克氏菌强化植物修复 Cd污染土壤机理研究(41001191)”, 2011-2013,20 万元(第四参加人)



  [1]2019 年,获万人计划青年拔尖人才

  [2]2017 年,获现代农业产业技术体系岗位科学家

  [3]2017 年,获天津市“131”第一层次人才

  [4]2011 年,天津科技进步二等奖



  [1]一种用于速生灌木柳灌溉的生活污水处理系统,王瑞刚,赵玉杰,施士争,王红玲,蔡彦明,ZL 2014 2 0076213.8 (2014.8.20-2024.8.19)

  [2]NaHS 作为阻控水稻累积镉的叶面调理剂的应用,王瑞刚, 王瑞刚;孙健;冯人伟;郭军康;丁永祯;徐应明,ZL 2014 1 0245790.X(2016.1.20-2036.1.19)

  [3]一种阻控小白菜重金属砷锌累积的土壤改良剂,王瑞刚;郭军康;冯人伟;丁永祯;徐应明;沈跃,Zl 2014 1 0230381.2 (2017.7.14-2037.7.13)



  [1]     王瑞刚. 盐诱导氧化胁迫与杨树耐盐性研究. 北京,中国环境出版社,2010

  [2]  Feng X,H· an L, Chao D, Liu Y, Zhang Y, Wang R* (王瑞刚),G· uo J, Feng R,Xu Y, Ding Y, Huang B, Zhang G. Ionomic and transcriptomic analysis provides new insight into the distribution and transport of cadmium and arsenic in rice. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 331: 246-256 (SCI 收录,IF6.065,1 区 Top)

  [3]     Wang R (王瑞刚), Chen, S*, Zhou X, Shen X, Deng L, Zhu H, Shao J, Shi Y,Dai S, Fritz E, Hüttermann A, Polle A. 2008. Ionic homeostasis and reactive oxygen species control in leaves and xylem sap of two poplars subjected to NaCl stress. Tree Physiology 28: 947-957. (SCI 收录,IF3.587,1 区 Top)

  [4]    Sun J, Dai SX, Wang R (王瑞刚), Chen S, Li N, Zhou X, Lu C, Shen X, Zheng X, Hu Z, Zhang Z, Song J, Xu Y. 2009. Calcium mediates root K+/Na+ homeostasis in poplar species differing in salt tolerance. Tree Physiology 29: 1175-1186(并列第一作者,SCI 收录,IF3.587,1 区 Top)

  [5] Feng R, Zhu Q, Xu Y, Li W, Ding Y, Rensing C, Wang R*. Safe utilization of polluted soil by arsenic, cadmium and lead through an integrated sericultural measure. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 659:1234–1241(SCI 收录,IF4.610,2区)

  [6]     Wang R (王瑞刚), Chen, S, Deng, L., Fritz, E., Hüttermann, A., Polle, A. 2007. Leaf photosynthesis, fluorescence response to salinity and the relevance to chloroplast salt compartmentation and anti-oxidative stress in two poplars. Trees: Structure and Function 21(5): 581-591(SCI 收录,IF1.706,2 区) 

  [7]Wang R (王瑞刚), Dai S, Tang S, Tian S, Song Z, Deng X, Ding Y, Zou X, Zhao Y, Smithd D.L. 2012. Growth, gas exchange, root morphology and cadmium uptake responses of poplars and willows grown on cadmium contaminated soil to elevated CO2. Environmental earth science, 2012,67:1-13 (SCI 收录,IF1.765,4 区)

  [8]     Sun J, Wang R* (王瑞刚), Liu Z, Ding Y, Li T. 2013. Non-invasive microelectrode cadmium flux measurements reveal the spatial characteristics and real time kinetics of cadmium transport in hyperaccumulator and nonhyperaccumulator ecotypes of Sedum alfredii. Journal of Plant Physiology,2013 170: 355-359(通讯作者,SCI 收录,IF2.971,3 区) 

  [9]     Guo J K, Feng R W*, Ding Y Z, Wang R* (王瑞刚), Xu Y M. 2014. Applying carbon dioxide, plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium and EDTA can enhance the phytoremediation efficiency of ryegrass in a soil polluted with zinc, arsenic, cadmium and lead. Journal of Environmental Management, 2014,141: 18 (通讯作者,SCI 收录,IF3.131,3 区)  

  [10]   Guo B, Dai S, Wang R* (王瑞刚), Guo J, Ding Y, Yu Y. Combined effects of elevated CO2 and Cd-contaminated soil on the growth, gas exchange, antioxidant defense, and Cd accumulation of poplars and willows. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2015,115: 1-10(通讯作者,SCI 收录,IF3.712,2 区) 

  [11]  Wang R (王瑞刚), Guo J, Xu Y, Ding Y, Shen Y, Zheng X, Feng R*. Evaluation of silkworm excrement and mushroom dreg for the remediation of multiple heavy metal/metalloid contaminated soil using pakchoi. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2016, 124: 239–247(SCI 收录,IF3.13,3 区)  

  [12]     Sun J, Wang R (王瑞刚), Zhang X, Yu Y, Zhao R, Li Z, Chen S. 2013. Hydrogen sulfide alleviates cadmium toxicity through regulations of cadmium transport across the plasma and vacuolar membranes in Populus euphratica cells.Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2013, 65: 67-74(SCI, 2.928)  

  [13]  Ding Y Z, Feng R W*, Wang R (王瑞刚), Guo J K, Zheng X Q*, Xu Y M. A dual role of Se on Cd toxicity: evidence from plant growth, root morphology and responses of the antioxidative systems of paddy rice. Plant and Soil, 2014, 375:289301(院选 SCI 核心期刊,2.969)  

  [14]  Ding Y Z, Wang R (王瑞刚), Guo J K, Wu F C, Xu Y M, Feng R W*. The effect of selenium on the subcellular distribution of antimony to regulate the toxicity of antimony in paddy rice. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22: 5111–5123(SCI 收录)  

  [15]  Dong, MF; Feng, RW; Wang R (王瑞刚); Sun, Y; Ding, YZ; Xu, YM; Fan, ZL; Guo, JK. Inoculation of Fe/Mn-oxidizing bacteria enhances Fe/Mn plaque formation and reduces Cd and As accumulation in Rice Plant tissues. Plant and Soil, 2016, 375: 289-301(院选 SCI 核心期刊)  

  [16]     Sun J, Chen S, Dai S, Wang R (王瑞刚), Li N, Shen X, Zhou X, Lu C, Zheng X, Hu Z, Zhang Z, Xu Y. 2009. NaCl-induced alternations of cellular and tissue ion fluxes in roots of salt-resistant and salt-sensitive poplar. Plant Physiology 14:11411153.(SCI 收录)  

  [17]     Li Z, Tang S, Deng X, Wang R (王瑞刚), et al. 2009. Contrasting effects of elevated CO2 on Cu and Cd uptake by different rice varieties grown on contaminated soils with two levels of metals: implication for phytoextraction and food safety. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 177:352-361.(SCI 收录)  

  [18]     Jia Y, Tang SR, Wang RG (王瑞刚), et al. 2010. Contrasting effects of elevated CO2 on Cu and Cd uptake by differen, Ju XH, Ding YZ, Tu SX, Smith DL. Effects of elevated CO2 on growth, photosynthesis, elemental composition, antioxidant level, and phytochelatin concentration in Lolium mutiforum and Lolium perenne under Cd stress. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 180:384-394    

  [19]     Tang SR, Liao SQ, Guo JK, Song ZG, Wang RG(王瑞刚), Zhou XJ. 2011. Growth and cesium uptake responses of Phytolacca americana Linn. and Amaranthus cruentus L. grown on cesium contaminated soil to elevated CO2 or inoculation with a plant growth promoting rhizobacterium Burkholderia sp. D54, or in combination. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 198: 188-197  

  [20]  Feng R W, Liao G J, Guo J K, Wang R (王瑞刚), Xu Y M, Ding Y Z, Mo L Y, Fan Z L, Li N Y*. Responses of root morphological characteristics and antioxidative systems of paddy rice exposed to antimony and selenium. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2016, 122: 29–38(院选 SCI 核心期刊)  

  [21] Tian S, Jia Y, Ding Y Z*, Wang R (王瑞刚), Feng R W*, Song Z G, Guo J K, Zhou L. Elevated atmospheric CO2 enhanced the copper uptake in crops and pasture species grown on copper contaminated soils in a micro-plot study. Clean-Soil, Air Water, 2014, 42(3): 347-354(SCI 收录)  

  [22]  Liao, GJ; Wu, QH; Feng, RW; Guo, JK; Wang R (王瑞刚); Xu, YM; Ding, YZ; Fan, ZL; Mo, LY. Efficiency evaluation for remediating paddy soil contaminated with cadmium and arsenic using water management, variety screening and foliage dressing technologies. Journal of Environmental Management, 2016, 170: 116-122 (院选 SCI 核心期刊)  

  [23]  Feng R W*, Wei C Y*, Tu S X, Ding Y Z, Wang R (王瑞刚), Guo J K. The uptake and detoxification of antimony by plants: a review. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2013, 96: 28-34 (院选 SCI 核心期刊)  

  [24]  Liao, GJ; Xu, Y; Chen, C; Wu, QH; Feng, RW; Guo, JK; Wang R (王瑞刚); Ding, YZ; Sun, Y; Xu, YM. Root application of selenite can simultaneously reduce arsenic and cadmium accumulation and maintain grain yields, but show negative effects on the grain quality of paddy rice. Journal of Environmental Management, 2016, 183: 733-741(院选 SCI 核心期刊)  

  [25]  Guo JK, Ding YZ, Feng RW, Wang R (王瑞刚), Xu YM, Chen C, Wei XL, Chen WM. Burkholderia metalliresistens sp. nov., a multiple metalresistant and phosphate-solubilising species isolated from heavy metal-polluted soil in Southeast China. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek , 2015, 107:1591–1598 [26]     Li N, Chen, S, Li C, Zhou X, Shao J, Wang R (王瑞刚), Fritz E, Hüttermann A, Polle A. 2008. Effect of NaCl on photosynthesis, salt accumulation and ion compartmentation in two mangrove species, Kandelia candel and Bruguiera gymnorhiza. Aquatic Botany 88: 303-310 (国际刊物,2006 年 SCI 影响因子1.497)  

  [27]  Chang Y, Chen, S, Yin W, Wang R (王瑞刚), Liu Y, Shi Y, Shen Y, Li Y, Jiang J, Liu Y. (2006). Growth, gas exchange, ABA and CaM response to salt stress in three poplars. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 48: 286-293(国际刊物, 2006 年 SCI 影响因子0.671).  

  [28]   Wang R (王瑞刚), Chen S, Ma H, Liu L, Li H, Weng H, Hao Z, Yang S. 2006. Genotypic differences in anti-oxidative stress and salt tolerance of three poplars under saline conditions. Frontiers of Forestry in China 1: 82-88  

  [29]   Ding M, Hou P, Shen X, Wang M, Deng S, Sun J, Xiao F, Wang R (王瑞刚), Zhou X, Lu C, Zhang D, Zheng X, Hu Z, Chen S. Salt-induced expression of genes related to Na+/K+ and ROS homeostasis in leaves of salt-resistant and salt-sensitive poplar. Plant Molecular Biology, 2010,73:251-269  

  [30]   Shi Y, Li J, Shao J, Deng S, Wang R (王瑞刚), Li N, Sun J, Zhang H, Zhu H, Zhang Y, Zheng X, Zhou D, Hüttermann A, Chen S. Effects of Stockosorb and Luquasorb polymers on salt and drought tolerance of Populus popularis. Scientia Horticulturae, 2010,15:268-273  

  [31]   Gao Z, Dai S, Chen S*, Shen X, Wang R (王瑞刚). 2007. Isolation of protoplast from callus of Populus euphratica and H+ fluxes across plasma membrane under NaCl stress. Forestry Studies in China 9(3): 198–202.  

  [32]   Zhang H, Li J, Chen S, Lu C, Wang R (王瑞刚), Dai S, Zhu H, Zhang Y, Shi Y, Wang M, Lu Y, Li L, Langenfeld-Heyser R, Fritz E, Polle Andrea. 2008. Effect of NaCl on growth and ion relations in two salt-tolerant strains of Paxillus involutus. Forestry Studies in China. 10: 95-100.    

  [33] 王瑞刚,陈少良,马海渊,刘力源,郝志勇,翁海娇,李鹤,杨爽,段杉. 2005. 盐胁迫下 3 种杨树的抗氧化能力与耐盐性研究. 北京林业大学学报 27(3):46-52.  

  [34] 王瑞刚,唐世荣,郭军康,赵玉杰,宋正国. 2010. 铜胁迫对高丹草和紫花苜蓿生长和光合特性的影响. 生态环境学报,19(12):2922-2928  

  [35] 张春燕,王瑞刚*,范稚莲,施士争, 丁永祯,郭军康,赵玉杰. 2013.杨、柳树富集 Cd、Zn、Pb 的品种差异性. 农业环境科学学报,32(3):530-538(通讯作者)  

  [36]张亚经,马成仓,郭军康,韩磊,冯人伟,冯雪敏,曹雲清,王瑞刚*.接种伯克氏菌 D54 对东南景天吸收富集 Cd 的影响. 农业环境科学学报, 2017, 36(3) :449-457(通讯作者,院选中文核心期刊)  

  [37]王红玲,王瑞刚*,施士争,王磊,黄瑞芳. 柳林污水处理系统净化效率研 究. 江苏林业科技,2015,42(4): 5-10(通讯作者,核心期刊)  

  [38] 王芳丽,宋宁宁,王瑞刚,唐世荣. 2012. 土壤-甘蔗作物系统中镉的生物有效性研究. 农业环境科学学报,31(5): 904-912  

  [39] 宋宁宁,王芳丽,唐世荣,王瑞刚,丁永祯,廉菲. 2012. 基于梯度薄膜扩散技术的广西环江流域桑田土壤中铅的生物有效性研究. 农业环境科学学报,31(7):1317-1323  

  [40]  廖上强, 郭军康, 王芳丽, 宋正国, 王瑞刚, 唐世荣. 美洲商陆和籽粒苋对接种伯克氏菌的生理生化响应及其对富集铯的影响. 环境科学学报, 2012,32(1):213-223  

  [41]  赵玉杰,唐世荣, 李野, 师荣光, 居学海, 王瑞刚. 普通及指示克里格法在水稻禁产区筛选中的应用. 环境科学学报,2009,29:1780-1787  

  [42] 朱会娟,王瑞刚,陈少良*,张云霞,李妮亚,邵杰. 2007.胁迫下胡杨(Populus euphratica)和群众杨(P.popularis)抗氧化能力及耐盐性. 生态学报 27 (10): 4113-4121  

  [43]  邵杰,陈少良*,王瑞刚,张欣荣,江杰. 2007. 吸水剂提高群众杨的抗盐性及其机理.北京林业大学学报 29 (1):79-84.  

  [44]  张云霞,石勇,王瑞刚,陈少良,李妮亚,邵杰,张华,李静,孙健.2008.初始盐胁迫下 ABA 与 CaM 对胡杨叶片气体交换的调控.林业科学 44(1):57-64  

  [45]  郭军康, 董明芳,丁永祯,冯人伟,王瑞刚,徐应明. 根际促生菌影响植物吸收和转运重金属的研究进展. 生态环境学报,  2015, 24(7): 1228-1234(中文核心期刊)